Monday, September 21, 2009


Sometimes I really hate having friends over. I always over eat. FML.
I need to lose weight by homecoming, because my dress is strapless and the last thing i want are fat little arms and big yucky armpit/shoulder areas. You should know what I'm talking about. If you don't then well what are you doing here, quite frankly.

I'm tired as hell, but at least when I'm tired I sorta forget to eat. Until I have friends over who wake me up -_- But at least I have practice tomorrow so I should burn all my calories for today, or at least be down to like 200 for Monday & Tuesday, as long as I don't eat tomorrow.

I'm sorta thinking of taking a sleeping pill every morning because then I'm in kinda a sleepy stupor all day, but I'm always really focused on finishing things. Hm. We'll see what I decide & 'll tell you if it stops me eating.

All in all though, I'm a pretty big failure. I still haven't gotten my vitamins, and soccer is getting in the way of my fasting. And my ankle is shit right now so I can't go to the gym. I think I will anyways though, if I'm going to be made to play soccer still then why shouldn't I.

Well idk. I just want to lose this ugl fat before homecoming which is like October 10th. I mean, with working out & fasting I think I will easily, I just hope I lose it from the right parts of my body. Right now I am focusing on arms and upper body mainly.

And always remember, don't give up what you want the MOST for what you want in the moment!